Line Tool

Line ToolClick on the Line tool once to select it and your cursor will change to a “+”. In normal usage you simply click and drag to draw a line.

For accuracy in your drawing you can use modifiers like Snap to Grid and Snap to Path to control the start and end points of your line.  To lock a line to the Horizontal or Vertical use the Orthogonal Lock modifier.

Properties Grid for Line object

PG_Line.pngLayer: shows the layer on which the object exists.  Click on the value field to move the object to a new layer.

Line Style group: displays a summary of all the current Line Style values. Read-only.

Arrow Style: shows the current arrow type applied to the object.  Click on the value field to choose a new Arrow Style for the object.

Color: shows the current line color.  Click on the value field to choose a new Color for the object.

Dash Style: shows the current dash style.  Click on the value field to choose a new Dash Style for the object.

Line Width: shows the current line width. Click on the value field to enter a new Line Width.

The Geometry collection deals with the size and position of the object and you can enter new values for X and Y locations and the length of the line.

The Shape Information collection is read-only and displays information about the currently selected object(s).

Defaults for Line object

Line defaults are set in the Document Properties Grid | Drawing Defaults collection - use this to define default values for Arrow Style, Color, Dash Style and Line Width.

Other Commands:


Drawing, Line