What's New in Stardraw Design 7.3
Stardraw Design 7.3 includes some important new features and a number of enhancements and bug fixes.
- 64-bit Architecture: earlier versions of Stardraw Design 7 used a 32-bit architecture which is inherently limited to a maximum addressable memory space of 2GB. With 64-bit architecture Stardraw Design 7.3 can now access all available memory on your computer, beyond the 2GB limit, meaning that even the very largest projects, containing significant amounts of imported third-party data, such as imported DWG and PDF files or multiple large image files across many drawings, can be handled with ease.
- Feathers: sometimes called ‘Continuations’ or ‘Fly-offs’, Feathers provide a graphical representation to indicate where a cable has come from or where it is going to, in the event that it spans separate drawings or is noncontiguous in the same drawing. Crucially, bound Feather pairs consolidate two Cable objects into one physical cable in the Cable Schedule to avoid double-counting across your project.
A library of Feathers is available in the Symbol Browser, and a Feather symbol attaches at one end to a Cable object. Each Feather symbol contains an ID Attribute, and one or two Label Attributes which display inside the Feather symbol. Set the same ID value on 2 Feather symbols to pair them, thus conjoining the Cable objects to which they attach, for the purposes of your Cable Schedule.
- User-Defined IO Label Height: a new drawing-wide property, "IO Label Height", gives the user control over the height of text labels on Input and Output ports on symbols in Block Schematic drawings. This is intended to help optimize legibility, especially in larger drawings, and allows a change in label height to be applied globally, without needing to edit individual symbols.
- Import Equipment List: designed to simplify the addition of product data from the field, e.g. for As-Built drawings, or to build new projects from a schedule of products, Import Equipment List modifies the products in a project using data from an imported spreadsheet. You can now, for example, export an Equipment List, add field data - like the IP Addresses of installed equipment - and import the modified spreadsheet back into your project; product Attributes are seamlessly updated to reflect the values in the spreadsheet.
- Select Unused Products: in the Products View, rightclick on the Products Grid to Select Unused Products. This highlights any and all products in your project that do not currently have symbolic representations in any drawings in the project. This feature has been introduced to assist users that may have based a new project on an existing one, or otherwise find they have 'legacy' or unused products in their project. Once selected, unused products can be deleted and purged from the project with a single click; a great timesaver.
- Release License on Close: using Tools | Personalization | Settings you can choose to Release License on Close; this un-licenses your computer as part of the normal application Close routine and, for seamless operation, attempts to re-take the same license when the application next starts up. This option is very useful, and recommended where you have one or more licenses being shared by a number of users, or across different computers, so that licenses don't get 'tied-up' if users forget to release them manually at the end of a Stardraw Design 7 session.
- Image Information: with an image selected, the Properties Grid now shows information about that image, including Size (width and height in pixels), Format (color depth in bits per pixel) and Memory, being the amount of system memory the image requires. It's a common mistake for users to insert an oversized image into a drawing, not realizing that the image is huge in terms of the system resources it requires, and this can have a very detrimental effect on performance - everything runs much more slowly - and can even result in system errors such as "Out of Memory Exception" which simply means that you've run out of memory, and that is pretty much the end of that! With the new Image Information fields, especially the Memory field, it's easy to spot an image that might be a lot bigger than you need it to be, giving you the opportunity to replace it with a resampled version that is appropriate for the task.
- Import as Monochrome: when importing a DWG or DXF file a new option "Black & White" converts the color of all vector objects in the source file to black, making it easier to differentiate the amendments and markups you make in Stardraw Design 7.3.
- Title Blocks: the following enhancements are applied to speed up workflow.
- The initial focus in the Title Block dialog defaults to the Title editbox.
- The last used Title Block Template is selected by default for all new and future Title Blocks in the current project, on a drawing-by-drawing basis.
- Scale operations: after Scaling objects, the view will Zoom to Document to ensure that everything is immediately visible in the drawing window. This is particularly important when Scaling up by very large scale factors e.g. when re-sizing an imported PDF drawing to change it from a page-based size to 1:1 scale.
- High-Res Rendering: for performance reasons, prior versions would not render any objects that were smaller than 3 pixels at the current zoom. Now all objects equal to or greater than one pixel are rendered which means that the on-screen representation of tiny objects, like polylines with very short segments, is more faithful and these objects do not 'disappear' at medium to distant zooms.