
Home > Tools > Drawing Tools > Title Blocks

Title Blocks

A Title Block is the border that goes around a completed drawing to identify key information about that drawing, including author details and drawing details like date, number, revision etc.

To add a Title Block to your drawing select Drawing | Title Block or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+T. The Title Block dialog will be displayed:

Title Block Dialog

Title Block Template group:

File: shows the current title block template file in use.  Click on the ellipsis (...) button to choose a different template file.

Template: the Template dropdown allows you to choose the size and orientation of the title block from the various options stored in the title block template file.  Choose the paper size and orientation that best matches the output format you want.

Document Fields group:

Use the Document Fields to specify information about the drawing, including:

The values you enter in these fields will be inserted into your title block.  The values are stored with the drawing so if you change the title block later the values will persist.


Click on OK to insert the Title Block around your drawing.

Substitution Fields

Title Blocks contain substitution fields that insert data to personalize the Title Block for the drawing.  These fields deal with 3 main types of data:

Substitution of data fields is seamless when you use the default Title Block Templates supplied with Stardraw Design 7.  For details on how to use and change substitution fields see Custom Title Blocks.

Default Title Block Templates

Stardraw Design 7 includes 2 default Title Block Template files:

These files are located in the Stardraw Design 7 installation folder, usually:

C:\Program Files\ Ltd\Stardraw Design 7 (on 32-bit computers)


C:\Program Files (x86)\ Ltd\Stardraw Design 7 (on 64-bit computers)

Use the File box or the ellipsis [...] button in the Title Block dialog to choose the Title Block template file that you want to use.

If you want to create or edit your own custom title blocks you should save the file in a different location to which you have write-access.  See Custom Title Blocks

Additional Resources

The Stardraw Design 7.3 Movies page includes the movie "Title Blocks" which shows how to use the Title Blocks.