Rack Layout Module

The Rack Layout module is designed to make it easy to draw highly detailed 19" rack installations. All the symbols provided for this template are drawn to scale with the greatest possible attention to product detail in both front and rear views. A side view is also provided giving outline depth information.

Rack Layout - Front View

Rack Layout - Rear View

Rack Layout - Side View

Front View

Rear View

Side View

The default settings for documents based on the Rack Layout template are as follows:


Default Value

Grid Size X

25.4 mm (1")

Grid Size Y

44.45 mm (1.¾", or 1U)

Number of Snaps X


Number of Snaps Y



Front View, High Detail

Current Layer

Front High Detail

Symbol Scale


The grid in this environment is special in that it is rectangular instead of square. For this environment this makes a lot of sense since horizontal measurements are based on the inch (hence 19" racks) but vertical measurements are based on the U or "Rack Space" which is 1¾".

Symbol Structure

The symbol shown here is built up using objects on specific layers as described.

Rack Layout Symbol

Some layers are designed to hold symbol information, some are there so that users can add their own information in the drawings they produce. These layers are indicated by [User].

Layer Name



Work Layer

[User] General purpose working layer. (No objects appear on this layer in symbols)



The outline of the product.


Front Low Detail

Manufacturer and model number.


Front High Detail

Accurate graphical representation of the front of products (excluding outline).


Rear Low Detail

Manufacturer, model number and outline.


Rear High Detail

Accurate graphical representation of the rear of products (excluding outline). This layer is the only place you will find details of the rear view of products which are not rackmounted.


Side View

Manufacturer, model number and outline showing depth.



Not used. Provided for compatibility with legacy applications.


Side View Clearance

Recommended clearances front and back, allowing for connectors, controls and any other elements that may protrude from the overall extents of the product.


Guide Lines

Not used. Provided for compatibility with legacy applications.


Module Targets

Insertion targets for modular equipment which needs to be precisely located within a sub-frame.


Titles & Borders

[User] Drawing border and any information used to reference the drawing (draughtsman, company details, project, drawing number etc.).


Tips for the Rack Layout Environment.

See Also:

Modular Symbols