
The grid is the most useful tool aiding fast, precise drawing. It defines reference points on your document and allows you to place and move objects accurately when the Snap to Grid modifier is on.  If you need to snap between grid points you can change the Number of Snaps per grid point using the Document Properties Grid.

Grid points are always visible at appropriate zoom levels, even if you have drawn a solid object on top of them.

If you have zoomed in very close to your document you may not see the grid as your entire screen view may fall between the grid. Also, if you zoom a long way out from your document the gridpoints may not be shown since at that zoom level they would appear so close that your screen would become a mass of blue. The minimum distance allowed on-screen between gridpoints is 5 pixels. If your zoom dictates that gridpoints are closer than 5 pixels they will not be displayed.

The Grid and its Snap settings are defined using the Document Properties Grid.

See Also:

Snap to Grid