
GroupThe Group button groups selected objects so that they behave as a single entity. There is no limit to the number of objects that can comprise a group, nor is there a limit to the number of groups that can themselves make up a group. In this way you can have a group made up of groups made up of groups made up of groups etc.

The Group button is grayed out if you have not selected anything, or if you have selected only one object since nothing in the selection can be grouped.

When more than one object is selected the Group button will become active and if you click on it it remains “pressed in” (checked) to indicate that your selection is a group.

If you select a group the Group button will become checked (i.e. pressed in) and if you then click on it to uncheck it, the selection will become ungrouped.

Selecting any part of the group will select the whole group.

Grouping is disabled if your document is unlocked, but the fact that objects were grouped together will be retained in memory so that groups are restored when you document is locked again.

Other Commands:


Arrange, Group

See Also:
