
You can define the frequency of Automatic Saves, and whether AutoSave is on or off, by selecting Tools | Preferences and going to the Settings tab.

The purpose of AutoSave is to preserve data in the event of abnormal program termination, e.g. an application or system crash, hardware failure or power outage.  AutoSave is not the same as a permanent backup and AutoSave files only persist if the application has closed abnormally; AutoSave files are deleted if the project or application is closed normally.

Autosave files are saved to “C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\ Ltd\Stardraw Design 7\” and have a .S05 extension.

If autosave files exist, the application will identify them on startup and ask if you want to recover them.  If you choose ‘yes’ the project will be loaded and the autosave file will be discarded.  If you choose ‘no’ the autosave file will be deleted.

Autosave files can only be opened by SD7 on startup as part of its autorecovery procedure – .S05 files cannot be opened using File | Open Project.

Do not think of or use AutoSave as a 'backup' solution.  It is good practice, not just in Stardraw Design 7 but in any software, to save your changes regularly and frequently; applications and operating systems can crash, hardware can fail, power can be cut, but clicking the Save button (or pressing Ctrl+S on your keyboard) every so often is a quick and easy way to be sure that you don't lose many minutes or even hours of work.